Experiences from Data Harvest Festival in Europa

Lessons from Data Harvest Festival in Europa

Close to 100 journalists, vizualisers and hackers gathered data and shared methods 6th to 8th of May 2012 in Brussels.

Storified by Nils Mulvad · Mon, May 14 2012 23:25:43

Really many young journalists participated in the fourt Data Harvest Festival in Europe. Next year Data Harvest will also be Brussels – then from 9-11 of May 2013.The cooperation continues on the website:


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Shymlal Yadav, journaliste indien spécialisé en publication de données concernant le gvt indien http://instagr.am/p/KUeMCXAh9N/ #DataHarvestSylvain Malcorps
The indian editor Shymlal Yadav participated and talked about wobbing – Freedom of Information.
Farmsubsidy data

Farmsubsidy.org ran a track on farmsubsidy data covering 2011 from EU-countries. Around 55 procent of all payments are kept in the dark, and 92 procent of the recipient due to the gathering of data from farmsubsidy.org.
Most important tweets are gathered here:
Junta de Andalucia tops the list of CAP beneficiaries with €98 million #dataharvestfarmsubsidy.org
Public bodies are prominent in list of biggest end beneficiaries of farm subsidies. Is this real transparency? #dataharvestfarmsubsidy.org
CY, GR and LU still haven’t published any 2011 farmsubsidy data. bad, bad, bad. Rest of 24 EU-countries have published. #DataharvestNils Mulvad
Top private sector recipient is French poultry firm Doux, with €54 million. http://www.doux.com/ #dataharvestfarmsubsidy.org
We estimate just 40% of 2011 CAP funds have been disclosed. #dataharvestfarmsubsidy.org
Many of the biggest recipients of CAP funds have been redacted from published data to protect their privacy. #dataharvestfarmsubsidy.org
List of 1500+ beneficiaries who get more than €1 million in #EU farm subsidies: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/oimg?key=0At9hEvGB0JsUdHh4TzBEdmNaaTFkRjdITGdvMmozeEE&oid=1&zx=xbpmnibt7gs2 #dataharvestfarmsubsidy.org
Extremely variable performance of EU countries in CAP transparency #dataharvest http://twitpic.com/9ido0afarmsubsidy.org
Approx. 94% of UK beneficiaries of farm subsides have been redacted from the data just published by Defra. #dataharvestfarmsubsidy.org
91 per cent of all recipients of CAP funds have been redacted from new data for 2011. #dataharvest #privacyfarmsubsidy.org
View UK farm subsidy data for 2011 (including redactions) on Google Fusion tables: https://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?docid=1_9YaRF1TlL1B6Ir3KauvnQEhKH7ageQjF3skksI #dataharvestfarmsubsidy.org
Danish billionaire Anders Holch Povlsen is one of Scotland’s biggest farm subsidy recipients: http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/2012/05/08/danish-billionaire-becomes-one-of-scotland-s-largest-landowners-as-he-snaps-up-sutherland-estates-86908-23851760/ #dataharvestfarmsubsidy.org
Very handy spreadsheet of EU spending by member state & policy area (2000-2010) http://ec.europa.eu/budget/library/biblio/publications/2010/fin_report/fin_report_10_data.xls #dataharvestfarmsubsidy.org
Farm subsidy story in Politiken (DK): http://politiken.dk/erhverv/ECE1616398/golfbaner-lufthavne-hoteller–og-spejdere-faar-landbrugsstoette/ #dataharvestfarmsubsidy.org
@farmsubsidy publishes list of €million+ farm subsidy payments http://bit.ly/ISxefz #dataharvestJohann Tasker
New from Google: BigQuery ‘interactive analysis of huge datasets’. https://developers.google.com/bigquery/ Anyone at #dataharvest used it? Thoughts?farmsubsidy.org
Top private sector recipient is French poultry firm Doux, with €54 million. http://www.doux.com/ #dataharvest RT @farmsubsidyVéronique Mermaz
@farmsubsidy went further. Found out that Malta gets most subsidy / land area and Ireland per population #dataharvest http://highcharts.teelmo.info/data/eu-maataloustuet-2011.htmTeemo Tebest
Press statement from @farmsubsidy following this year’s #dataharvest: http://ow.ly/aSifsNils Mulvad
Get farmsubsidy data for 2011 for EU-countries here: http://ow.ly/aSiaJ organised by #DataHarvest Festival and @farmsubsidyNils Mulvad

Woobing is the european word for FOI. Another track focused on the status of the threaths in this area.
State of play of EU #wob reform by Statewatch http://bit.ly/J7zNu7 #dataharvestBrigitte Alfter
Helpful for #wobbing on side effects of medicines EU ombudsman decision http://bit.ly/IRTWxJ# dataharvestBrigitte Alfter
Indian WOB specialist Shyamlal Yadav wobbed government officials’ foreign visits #74tripstothemoon #dataharvest @RTIExpressWobbing Europe
Martin Rosenbaum: New Zealand only nation where FOIA law is strictly for it’s own inhabitants. Or are there more countries? #dataharvestjfuruly
In Denmark we integrate FOI with the make of stories on http://ow.ly/aJPbD #dataharvestNils Mulvad
In DK we have won access to environmental data: antibiotics to pigs, new geograhical measurement, numbers of animals. #DataharvestNils Mulvad
@brenno EU supervisor on data protection warns against this http://www.wobbing.eu/news/supervisor-alarmed-threats-access-rights #DataharvestBrigitte Alfter
EU wob threatened – most recent developments under Danish presidency http://www.wobbing.eu/news/presidency-criticised-%E2%80%9Deven-worse-commission%E2%80%9D #DataharvestBrigitte Alfter
Martin Rosenbaum: Tip 1: Think inside the document cabinet. What do they have & collect? #dataharvestjfuruly
Martin Rosenbaum: Tip 2: Don’t use wide trawl. Go specific! #dataharvestjfuruly
Martin Rosenbaum: Using FOIA as a fishing expedition normally catches small fish. Go for the big ones, go specific. #dataharvestjfuruly
"Dead people have no privacy rights" #dataharvestIdes Debruyne
Muy importante mirar en detalle la nueva directiva de datos http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/12/46, afectará a #transparencia #periodismodatos #dataharvestMar Cabra
Here is the link to the Danish website with wobbing-requests and stories: http://ow.ly/aLKBC #dataharvestNils Mulvad
Google Fusion

Tommy Kaas conducted a training session on Google Fusion. Lots of good material gathered here:
Three Google Fusion hands on session tomorrow on making interactive maps. Like this: http://bit.ly/IEPx6P #dataharvestTommy Kaas
Training material and tip sheets to Google Fusion sessions today http://bit.ly/IzPWYh #dataharvestTommy Kaas
Made my first Google Fusion Table map visualization. Cool stuff can be obtained. Thx @tbkaas #dataharvest http://twitpic.com/9iq83qTeemo Tebest
Social media

Another part of the conference was looking into the use of social media – hosted by Paul Myers from BBC.
@pauliemyers you can get the Facebook-ID through FB’s graph API. See for example https://graph.facebook.com/teelmo & https://graph.facebook.com/635279474 #dataharvestTeemo Tebest
Tommy Kaas: Check out the freebies at Linkedin For Journalists. You can get free upgrade to Exec. version. #dataharvestjfuruly
Thought I knew how to use Facebook and Twitter to research people. Then I met @pauliemyers at #Dataharvest More here: http://www.researchclinic.co.ukAndreas Marckmann
Handouts and links

A lot of other good stuff was presented. Some of the links are gathered here: 
Thanks for comments at #dataharvest last week. My presentation on sponsored doctors is up now http://slidesha.re/KUiLuoanders pedersen
@teelmo The project on sponsored doctors is up here and avail. as download #dataharvest http://www.information.dk/databloggenanders pedersen
Pad with links from the DataHarvest conference in Bruxelles http://bit.ly/IOTBBi #ddj via @Hackette7Datenjournalist
Link to the data retention visualization http://www.zeit.de/datenschutz/malte-spitz-data-retention by @opendatacity #dataharvestMichael Kreil
And the http://crowdflow.net project, including an animation of the movement of 900 cellphone owners http://crowdflow.net/2011/07/12/fireflies-hd/ #dataharvestMichael Kreil
To my friends at the #dataharvest here’s my presentation "How to crack open information from Spain?" https://docs.google.com/presentation/pub?id=1RhwfZ3pwlRnvKB1qtPdogmjRC9NunwS-MNxuaqKsGMM&start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000 #periodismodatosMar Cabra
Estonian register court decisions https://www.riigiteataja.ee/kohtuteave/maa_ringkonna_kohtulahendid/main.html #dataharvestgraafik
Great presentation by @okvivi about mapping romanian politicians: http://www.hartapoliticii.ro/ #dataharvestFriedrich Lindenberg
Polish portal for watching politicians http://sejmometr.pl/ #dataharvest CC: @okviviStefan Urbanek
Using Eurostat data to choose your favourite region suggested by @pudo http://bit.ly/KyfaaK #dataharvestBrigitte Alfter
Some stats on living in the EU http://bit.ly/Kyfpm8 #dataharvestBrigitte Alfter
RT Collection of sources to finance jouranalism @ursulean: (…) http://delicious.com/ides/funding #dataharvestBrigitte Alfter
More and more interesting links on the pad #Dataharvest http://bit.ly/IOTBBi?Brigitte Alfter
EU open spending data visualisation http://bit.ly/IOTl5j #DataharvestBrigitte Alfter
RT @knightfdn: Via @jonathanstray: "Here’s my ‘crash course in data journalism’ notes" http://bit.ly/Ixvvq0 #opengov #opendata #dataharvestIdes Debruyne
Now at #dataharvest in Brussels. Tomorrow speaking about #maps #charts http://bit.ly/GLIKqmErik
Aftenposten word cloud on Cablegate http://www.aftenposten.no/spesial/cablegate/ More specials here: http://www.aftenposten.no/spesial/ #dataharvest #cablegatejfuruly
Goldmine: Norway’s Electronic Public Records http://www.oep.no/nettsted/fad?lang=en Use it w GoogleTranslate #dataharvest<impressedpaul james martin
RT @Hackette7: Keep adding EU data sources to http://caelainn.primarypad.com/1? #Dataharvestalesha novichkov
V. useful primer on fisheries subsidies, by @oceana : http://oceana.org/en/our-work/promote-responsible-fishing/fishing-subsidies/learn-act/more-on-fisheries-subsidies #dataharvestfishsubsidy.org
About to present the http://fishsubsidy.org & Looting the Seas stories with @cabralens In Room 1.25 #dataharvestfishsubsidy.org

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