Categories Archives: Courses

Anuška Delić

Nils Mulvad from Kaas & Mulvad held a 5-day course of data journalism tools and methods at Slovenia’s leading daily Delo. At first it seemed that not all of the eleven participants, who had no or almost no prior knowledge of this exciting field of journalism, will “catch the bug” of data-driven thinking about stories but soon it became obvious they have all fallen prey to Nils’s lectures.

In just five days his way of sharing his vast knowledge and experience as well as his method of teaching had proven to be just the thing any newsroom with a serious intention of doing data but a small pool of relevant knowledge among journalists needs.

Today all of the participants are equipped with more than basic knowledge of key tools and methods be it analysis or visualization, and are therefore ready to start digging into data and furthering the reach and impact of Delo’s content.

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Inge Hald

I got a surprising number of new search tools with me from Kaas & Mulvad day course “Get better person research”. As a trained journalist and frequent user of the Internet I really believed that I knew most shortcuts to phone numbers, addresses, e-mails and background information on both famous and ordinary Danes. But I learned a lot of new tips and tricks. I can now continue to research more deeply and effectively on the web.

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